Advent Dice Calendar - CLEARANCE

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Christmas is coming! Don't you just love counting down days to Santa's visit? Q WORKSHOP gives you a countdown sweet, but not fattening. Each slot bringing joy and being practical at the same time! Each slot hides a special die for you, with a metal bonus at the end! There's even a full set of Christmas Dice in a new color theme and with additional Modern D4! Enjoy each day with a new die!

Advent Dice Calender:
Do you remember advent calendars? These peculiar cardboard boxes, usually decorated with Christmas drawings, with perforated slots marked 1 to 24, but arranged randomly across the entire box’s surface? The most quaint thing was that you could only open one window per day (sometimes more, but shhh), and there was candy or chocolate inside - so the countdown to Christmas was really sweet and satisfying. It's a pity we're adults now, right?

Wrong! Q WORKSHOP has the best way to count down the days to Christmas for adults and kids alike: The Advent Dice Calendar! Now you can make yourself (or someone else) a gift full of childhood memories, but with a pragmatic twist; this calendar doesn’t contain any fattening sweets, but very special dice instead, awesome and ready to use in all your games. The range of polyhedrons to find in the calendar has widened greatly since the last edition, so you’ll find a lot of this year’s new designs.

We did everything we could to make the front design to give you the vibe of both Christmas and RPG alike. The Dice Goblin is one of Santa's less-known helpers, but a very committed one - he usually pulls harmless pranks, but he gets the job done beautifully when the time comes, always ready to lend a hand or a leg to his boss. Maybe he’s a bit clumsy sometimes but remains a jolly fellow nevertheless.

Day by day… right? ;)
Some of us enjoy the thrill of waiting and discovering new secrets. Others are more prone to growing tension ... or just less patient ;) It's up to you to discover all the treasures at once, or to open the slots one by one, at the same time every day. We know that you will be satisfied with what you find there - we have made every effort to ensure that the dice do not repeat themselves in this and the previous edition of the calendar!

  • Jolly colorful — you will not find another Advent Dice Calendar such as this. It has more RPG vibe than anything Christmas-oriented - and more Christmas vibe than anything RPG-oriented!
  • Hardcover — the dice inside are safe, patiently awaiting their turn to be discovered.
  • 24 Q WORKSHOP dice — all the slots are filled with our highest quality polyhedrons, selected from the current offer and this year's premieres!
  • The Christmas Dice Set  — there is a full 8-piece set (traditional and Modern D4) in a new color!
  • A metal bonus — we guarantee that there is also a metal dice waiting for you inside!

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