The Red Dragon Inn 6: Villians

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2 - 4 players    //   30 - 60 min.   // Ages 13+

You Get:

4 new character decks
Special Boss Battle cards for each character
Vlazlo’s form decks
Oversize Dungeon Event deck,
Fortitude and Alcohol Content markers,
Gold pieces and other tokens

Includes player mats and deck dividers that are compatible with The Red Dragon Inn 5: The Character Trove!


This standalone game is fully compatible with all other Red Dragon Inn expansions. In addition, it includes rules and components for the following game mode variants:

• Dungeon Events: The new Dungeon Event Deck adds zany new events that’ll be sure to spice up your time at the tavern, or kill you all trying!
• Boss Battle: Choose a villain, ramp up their power level with Boss cards, then play in this ruthless all-versus-one mode!
• Team Games: In addition to Boss Battle, this game includes rules for other team variants, including Two-Headed Dragon and Leaders and Lackeys.

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