28619 products
World Championships 2015
Professor Juniper (84/101) (Primal Groudon - Alejandro Ng-Guzman)
$1.00 USD
World Championships 2015
Professor Juniper (84/101) (Punches 'n' Bites - Patrick Martinez)
$0.50 USD
World Championships 2013
Professor Juniper (98/108) (Anguille Sous Roche - Clement Lamberton)
$1.00 USD
World Championships 2010
Professor Oak's New Theory (101/123) (LuxChomp of the Spirit - Yuta Komatsuda)
$1.50 USD
World Championships 2012
Professor Oak's New Theory (101/123) (Pesadelo Prism - Igor Costa)
$0.50 USD
World Championships 2011
Professor Oak's New Theory (101/123) (Reshiphlosion - Christopher Kan)
$1.00 USD
World Championships 2012
Professor Oak's New Theory (83/95) (Terraki-Mewtwo - Shuto Itagaki)
$3.00 USD
28619 products